So, I was just talking to someone interesting in doing user research for behavior change, and I put together a set of links for her. I thought it was a useful list, so also posting it here:
This is a nice collection of resources about UX User Research, including a list of people to follow:
- Steve Portigal, who is an expert in user interviewing, has a podcast where he interviews user research people in different organizations: http://www. - This is the Stephen Wendel book — he’s the one who does the most testing that I’ve seen (specifically, consistent A/B testing):
com/Designing-Behavior-Change- Psychology-Behavioral/dp/ 1449367623 - He also has several really useful slideshares here: http://www.slideshare.
net/sawendel - Dan Lockton is probably one of my favorite people in behavior change — he’s coming at it from a design point of view: http://designwithintent. - Dan just joined the Carnegie Mellon Design School — it might be useful to look at how they are defining things:
edu/content/program-framework - Carnegie Mellon also has coursework on consumer behavior, thought that’s run through the business school:
prospective-students/course- and the Center for Behavioral and Decision Research: - There’s a coursera on People Analytics, if that’s an interesting angle: https://www.coursera.
org/learn/wharton-people- analytics - A course I took a few weeks ago on Behavior Change was here:
behaviour-change They have several resources and events, and some online classes you can take. - In the UK, the Behavioural Insights Team looks at applying these things at a policy level: http://www.